핫이슈 해외반응/스포츠

[US] 시카고 컵스 류현진 반응(추가)

피데기 2012. 11. 12. 10:02



Cubs reportedly bid on Korean left-hander Ryu

CHICAGO -- The Cubs have reportedly extended their search to South Korea for a starting pitcher.

The Cubs are believed to be one of several teams to submit a qualifying bid on Thursday for left-handed pitcher Hyun-Jin Ryu, 25. The Rangers, Indians, Phillies, and Angels also reportedly are interested in Ryu.

Ryu's team, the Hanwha Eagles, have four business days to determine if it will accept the highest of the sealed bids. The team the Eagles pick would then have 30 days to negotiate a contract with Ryu's agent, Scott Boras.

Ryu made his professional debut in 2006 and went 18-6 with a 2.23 ERA and 205 strikeouts in 201 2/3 innings that season, winning both Rookie of the Year and Player of the Year honors in Korea. He helped the South Korean national team win gold in the 2008 Beijing Olympics, beating Cuba in the championship game.

This past season, the left-hander was 9-9 with a 2.66 ERA, 1.09 WHIP in 27 starts, striking out 210 over 182 2/3 innings.

The Cubs are in the market for at least two starting pitchers to join Jeff Samardzija, Matt Garza and Travis Wood.



Caps18again 15 minutes ago
I hear the team that won the bid was a team from the Mexican League!!!
멕시코리그에 어떤 팀이 포스팅 따냈다는데!!!




CB314159265 29 minutes ago
what the hell... Sports Illustrated says Cubs won bidding..
미친... "Sports Illustrated"는 컵스가 포스팅 따냈다 했는데..
(잘못된 기사가 하나 났었습니다.. 컵스 관계자 Heyman이 포스팅 실패했다고 트위터에 올린 사실이 있습니다.)

edit: Link on SI goes to Heyman statement that says they didn't win lol...

(Edited by author 28 minutes ago)






commenter 30 minutes ago
If u guys wanna watch his pitching clip here it is
류현진 던지는 것 보고싶은 사람은 내가 링크 줄께..
if u want more, i can give u...

더 필요하면 더 줄 수도 있고...






SoulReavr 25 minutes agoin reply to commenter
Thank you for the video. It looks like he is pitching against High school kids about half the time that are smaller than Darwin Barney. I really hope we did not just spend 25 mil on this guy.
비디오 고마워. 반은 고등학생들 상대하는 것 같아.. Darwin Barney보다 더 작잖아.. 제발 쟤한테 2500만 달러 쓴게 우리 구단이 아니였으면 좋겠네..






commenter 40 minutes ago
wow... that amount of money is can buy 250 thousand hyangnam choi
와 저 돈이면 최향남을 25만명 살 수 있겠다..






commenter 40 minutes ago
maybe somebody might doubt that he got 25mil offer so i;m giving u the links.its korean article but u can guess how much he got offered...
류현진이 2500만달러에 포스팅 됐다는 것을 못 믿는 사람이 있을까봐 한국어 기사 링크 올려줄게..





wwwgomail 40 minutes ago
I am feeling like Chanho Park today
박찬호가 된 기분이야





BleedinCubbyBlue 29 minutes agoin reply to wwwgomail
 Isn't that where the Cubs play their spring training games?
거기 컵스 스프링 캠프 훈련지 아니냐?? (Chanho Park, 찬호 Park/공원,운동장)




commenter 43 minutes ago
lol dude im korean and His team official said they got 25mil offer this morning ....lol maybe i guess he would play in Rangers...
나 한국인인데, 오늘 아침 한화에서 2500만이라고 공식적으로 발표했어. 아마 텍사스 레인저스에서 뛰겠지..






supersonicman 43 minutes ago
what about Chanho's bad old memory of Arlington park while Ryu pitching well there?
알링턴파크에서 류현진이 잘 던지면 알링턴 파크에서 안 좋은 추억을 갖고 있는 찬호는 어떡해






Caps18again 43 minutes ago
Apparently the Rangers didn't win either??
레인저도 입찰에 실패한건가?






CB314159265 55 minutes ago
Interesting speculation.. winning bid of 25,737,737.33 won by the Rangers since (737) is Austin,TX area code.
이거 그럴 듯 하지 않냐? 포스팅 금액이 25,737,737.33 달러인데.. 텍사스 주 오스틴시 지역번호가 737이야...






SoulReavr 36 minutes agoin reply to CB314159265
the rangers are not in Austin, they are in Arlington.
레인저 구장은 오스틴이 아니라 알링턴에 있어.






CB314159265 30 minutes agoin reply to SoulReavr
Didn't know that.. Guess that speculation is a stretch then.. As reports are surfacing Rangers didn't win either..
몰랐네.. 레인저도 못 따냈다는 기사들 올라오는 것 보면 내 추측도 틀렸나보지







Gr8SndrJays 39 minutes agoin reply to CB314159265
I hope that Jays or Indians went for him. I do not think Cubs want to invest something bold for next season.
블루제이스나 클리브런드 인디언스가 류현진 포스팅에 성공했으면 하네... 컵스가 내년을 위해 저만큼 투자할 것 같지는 않아,..

I heard that he throws 92 to 95 mph fstaball with above curve and slider. He won against Cuba at Olympic and pitched 8 1/3 innings with 1 run allowed at that game. He also won against Japan and Dominican at WBC. He had been ranked 5th after WBC, and FYI, A's Cespedes was 6th.
내가 듣기론 류현진은 92~95마일 직구와 좋은 커브와 슬라이더를 던진다고 들었는데

올림픽에서 쿠바 상대로 8 1/3 이닝, 1 자책점을 기록하며 승리를 따냈지.
WBC에서 일본과 도미니카 상대로도 승리를 따내고. WBC 유망주에서 세스페데스보다 한 순위 높은 5위를 했지.

Having said that, I think if the bidding is 25.7m, it is too much. I expected it's like 10 to 15m for bidding and 10 to 15m for his salary. But what do I know? I thought Yu D's bidding was too big as well.
이런 점들을 미루어봤을 때 2570만달러는 너무 많은 것 같아
난 1000~1500만 달러 포스팅과 1000~1500만 달러 연봉을 예상하고 있었는데
뭐 내가 뭘 알겠어.. 난 다르빗슈 포스팅금액도 너무 비싸다고 생각했는데






Caps18again 54 minutes agoin reply to CB314159265
And what's 33? lol
33센트는 뭐야 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ






CB314159265 46 minutes agoin reply to Caps18again
I was gonna say Jon Daniels age, but he's 35 lol
존 다니엘의 나이라고 할라고했는데.. 걔는 35이지 참 ㅋㅋㅋ

Caps18again 45 minutes agoin reply to CB314159265
Maybe 33 is the contract they will give him for 4 years lol.
33센트가 4년 연봉이겠지 뭐 ㅋㅋㅋ






CubnKira 59 minutes ago
Don't tell me the tentacles of Boras reach all the way to So. Korea.
If Boras is his agent, pass this guy and with the money you will eventually save, you can get 2 or 3 exceptional prospects.
설마 보라스의 영향이 먼 한국까지 벌써 영향을 끼치는거냐
보라스가 류현진의 에이전트면 얘는 패스하고 괜찮은 유망주나 2~3명 더 사자






CB314159265 52 minutes agoin reply to CubnKira
The posting process doesn't go to annual salary. Also Cubs would be limited to only 9Mil (give or take) in international money. Also these players tend to be in there teens and are pretty raw prospects.

포스팅금액에는 연봉이 포함되어 있지 않아.. 그리고 아마 해외에서 데려오는 애들한테 컵스가 900만 이상 쓰지는 않을꺼야. 그리고 얘네들은 보통 어리고 좋은 유망주들이지






Caps18again 57 minutes agoin reply to CubnKira
How do you get 2 or 3 exceptional prospects with that money?? You can only get them via trade or draft.

어떻게 그 돈으로 좋은 유망주를 2~3명 사냐? 트레이드나 드래프트밖에 안돼






commenter 1 hour ago
 C-Class Fat-Lefty

C급 뚱뚱한 좌완이네






Caps18again 1 hour agoin reply to commenter
Well, since the Cubs didn't win the bid... Then yeah, he's a fat lefty lol.

어차피 컵스가 포스팅 따내지도 못했으므로 걔는 그냥 뚱뚱한 좌완이야 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ






Caps18again 1 hour ago
I guess now we can bid on Akuma or M. Bison when they get posted.

이제 아쿠마나 바이슨 포스팅이나 해보자.





BleedinCubbyBlue 1 hour ago
One thing is for sure, this will be the last site to report any breaking news.

한가지 확실한건 이 사이트가 아마 가장 늦게 속보를 전할꺼야






CB314159265 1 hour ago
According to Heyman Cubs did not win bid. My guess Dodgers. Who else would bid that much on posting for a #3-4 SP...  Oh wait maybe the Rangers..

헤이만에 따르면 컵스는 포스팅 따내는데 실패했어. 내 생각엔 다저스가 아닐까 싶어. 누가 3~4선발감으로 저렇게 많은 돈을 쏟아 붓겠냐... 아... 레인저스라면 가능할지도..

(Edited by author 1 hour ago)






Caps18again 1 hour agoin reply to CB314159265
Yeah, the Dodgers or the Rangers... Magic Johnson has done nothing but throw away money left and right ever since he took over and the Rangers did put a crazy bid for Darvish last year.

뭐 다저스 아니면 레인저스겠지. 매직 존슨이 레인저스 가면서 돈 겁나 뿌리고 다녔잖아.. 작년에 다르빗슈도 그렇고..






CB314159265 1 hour ago
Dan KBO first to report then Heyman chimed in.. Knobler and Dan KBO hearing rumblings that it's Cubs...

Dan이 무엇을 말하는지 몰라서 해석자체가 어렵네요..






SoulReavr 1 hour agoin reply to CB314159265
IF thats true how much fricken money are Dodgers gonna spend?

혹시라도 그게 사실이라면 도대체 다저스는 얼마나 돈을 처바른거야?






Caps18again 1 hour agoin reply to SoulReavr
I know right... So many poor people and the Dodgers throwing millions of dollars away just cause they can lol.

그러게.. 돈이 많으니깐 불쌍한 사람들이랑 다저스는 돈을 그냥 처바르네..






SoulReavr 46 minutes agoin reply to Caps18again
Just went to the ESPN just to see if they knew anything and they are calling the Dodgers, Yankees west.

ESPN에 뭐 떴는지 보러갔는데.. 아마 다저스나 양키스 같다네..






commenter 1 hour ago
WTF?? 25M??????????????????????????? we can pay Hirioki Kuroda instead of that Fat-Lefty !

미친?? 2500만달러??! 차라리 뚱보좌완 대신 Hirioki Kuroda를 사자






Caps18again 1 hour agoin reply to commenter
Kuroda only wants to play for a contender, specifically the Yankees... And I'm pretty sure, if MLB teams are willing to pay 25 mil to get that FAT LEFTY, he's most likely more athletic and healthy than you.

쿠로다는 가망있는 팀에서만 뛰어 양키스처럼.. 그리고 만약 MLB팀들이 저런 "뚱보좌완"을 위해 2500만 달러를 투자하는 것보면 너보다 훨씬 운동신경 좋고 건강할거다.






SoulReavr 1 hour agoin reply to Caps18again
If it is that much money then I would rather go after sanchez, we are going to need a spanish coach anyway real soon :)

돈이 저렇게 많이 들거면 산체스를 사겠다.. 곧 라틴 감독이 필요할거야..






Caps18again 1 hour ago
Amazing that so many Korean people post here... Nice regards to all of you.

여기 얼마나 많은 한국사람이 글을 썼는가보면 놀랍네.. 대단하다






CubsBaseball12 1 hour ago
As long as it isn't outrageous I like this bid. I wouldn't mind acquiring a young player who some say can develop into a NO.3 starter.(what I heard)

이게 터무니 없는 것만 아니면 난 괜찮은데? 내가 들은대로 이 젊은 애가 3선발까지 클 수 있다면 꽤 괜찮은 것 같은데?






wvuphd 1 hour ago
his posting money(25.7m) was opened to the public just now..it's amazing money. well, what do you think?

얘 포스팅 금액 2570만원이 이제 밝혀졌는데.. 엄청난 돈인데? 어떻게 생각해?






Caps18again 1 hour agoin reply to wvuphd
A little bit too much, but being that he's the highest profile player coming from the Pacific Rim for now, I can certainly see why it went that high.

좀 과한 것 같아. 근데 환태평양 지역에서 오는 애들 중에 제일 좋은 애라면 이 비싼 가격도 이해가 갈법해..






notout 1 hour ago
Ryu Hyun-jin's winning bid is $25,737,737.33. Hanwha Eagles accepted it.

포스팅 금액 $25,737,737.33을 한화가 받아드렸네.






SoulReavr 1 hour agoin reply to notout
That is like enough to buy half the country, or double the military size. Maybe they want to make a stand against N.Korea.

저 정도 돈이면 나라 반을 사거나 군대를 2배로 키울 수 있겠다. 아마 북한에게 꿀리지 않고 싶나보지..






Caps18again 1 hour agoin reply to notout
Who won? name your source.

누가 따낸거야? 말 좀해봐






notout 1 hour agoin reply to Caps18again
Winning team is unknown. Korean news announced that the posting fee is officially 25.7M.

누가 따냈는지는 아무도 몰라. 한국 뉴스에 의하면 공식적인 포스팅 입찰액은 2570만 달러였데.






Caps18again 1 hour agoin reply to notout
A source just posted it was the Cubs... But he could be making it up.

누가 컵스가 따낸거라는데.. 지어낸걸수도 있어






GAHillbilly 1 hour ago
I'll be the first to admit, I never heard of this guy until a couple of days ago. Is it a good deal or a bad deal? Who knows; certainly not me.

솔직히 난 얘 몇일 전에 처음 들어봤어? 이 정도 가격이면 괜찮은거야?






Caps18again 1 hour agoin reply to GAHillbilly
I heard of him like a month ago or so... He's certainly not a huge addition, he's making headlines because he's basically the only one being posted right now... Or at least with the best profile, for now.

나도 한달 전 쯤인가 들었어. 엄청난 추가전력은 아닌데, 지금 포스팅 된 애가 얘밖에 없어서 혹은 얘가 그 중에 제일 잘해서 헤드라인에 올라오는거야.






commenter 3 hours ago
Because I'm Korean. I've watched enough of his games in KBO. His fastball sits at 88-89 can dial up to 92 when needed but his average velocity sits at late 80s.

내가 한국인이라서 KBO 류현진 게임을 많이 봤는데 직구는 88~89마일정도고 92마일까지 찍을 수 있어. 근데 평속은 80마일 대야.






Caps18again 3 hours agoin reply to commenter
Weird, if you're Korean, how come you think it's such a waste of money despite him being one of the top pitchers in Korea? And I mean, even Wikipedia says his fastball tops out at 95 mph... Not saying I take everything Wikipedia says...

이상하네.. 니가 한국인이라면 왜 이 한국에서 최고 투수라는 친구를 이 돈 주고 사는게 낭비라고 생각해? 아니 보면 위키피디아를 전적으로 신뢰하는건 아니지만 위키피디아에서 95마일까지 던진다는데..

If you watched enough of his games, wouldn't it mean you watched him DOMINATE?

니가 만약 얘 경기를 충분히 봤으면 얘 쩌는 것도 다 봤을거아냐?






commenter 3 hours agoin reply to Caps18again
I'll like it if we can lure him at 5m posting with say, 4/8 contract, still a steep price but given his potential and our fellow 100+k Korean American in Chi-town. If it is anything more than that then meh.  

얘를 한 500만 정도에 4/8(4년계약?) 계약으로 데려오는건 좋다고 생각해.. 뭐 이 것도 꽤 부담 되지만 얘 가능성이나 차이나 타운에 있는 10만명의 한국인들을 생각한다면... 그 것말고 진짜 얘를 더 큰 전력감으로 생각한다면.. 글쎄..






commenter 3 hours agoin reply to Caps18again
Because Ryu is pretty much poor man's Paul Maholm. I'm not saying Ryu lacks a potential to be #3 but it's not like he's a sure fire.  I would project him not more than #4 at this moment.

Paul Maholm??이 누군지 모르겠네요.. 알아야 첫 문장은 이해할 수 있을 것 같네요.. 류가 3선발로 뛸만한 잠재력이 없다는건 아니지만 얘가 확실히 성공한다는 보장이 없으니깐.. 현재 상황상으로 4선발 이상으로 생각하진 않아..

(Edited by author 3 hours ago)






Caps18again 3 hours agoin reply to commenter
I see... I'll take your word for it, just because I don't believe just anyone without pro ball experience can come in and be a #3 pitcher... But if we get Maholm's production I'll be more than satisfied... Like I said in another post, if we get 180 more innings pitched and an era below 4.20, I'd be fine with it.

음.. 니 말에 동의해. 왜냐하면 프로경험이 없는 애가 3선발을 던질 수 있다는게 말이 안돼. 근데 우리가 만약 Maholm's의 물건을 산다면 아주 좋을거야. 전에도 말했듯이 180이닝 이상 던지고 자책률이 4.20아래라면 괜찮은 것 같아.

With all that said, we don't even know if we won the bid yet lol.

어찌됐든 우리가 이 포스팅 따냈는지도 모르는데 뭐... ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ





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중간에 모르는 것들이 있어 고생했네요..ㅠ

처음이니깐 양해해주세요!


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